Monday, February 20, 2017

Winter Wanes

For those of us on the east coast, the weather has been incredible!  February never has days like this, temperatures in the 60's and the sun was shining bright multiple days in a row.  These temperatures allow me to be at my highest comfort level.  I can remain covered by clothing but not wear a coat.  I can have fun outside without sweating.  Everyone seemed to be enjoying the outdoors; hiking trails were being pounded by boots, biking trails had evidence of tire treads, and climbing routes had fresh chalk marks.  Our family jumped on the bandwagon in the pursuit of fresh air and vitamin D, mostly hiking, but also just congregating together with friends letting the kids run free.

Being cooped up in the house is one thing about winter I do not like.  Going out is no problem when you don't have kids in tow, but after the littles invade life, you can count on about an hour of prep before exiting the house and by that point someone has to pee and you must painstakingly peel off the freshly added layers of clothing.  My kids are usually underdressed because comfort is not high on my priority list (yes I am the mom that never has hats for my kids).  This warm weather is considered to be a gift from God in my mind.  It was not a great weekend for me and I like to think that this February "heatwave" was especially gifted to me by my Father to give a little reprieve and a lot more breathing room.  

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