Thursday, January 19, 2017

Conversation in Rocky Places

It was a night that I had a few hours to myself, during hours the rest of the world was awake.  Off to the climbing gym.  Things are starting to make more sense there and I'd rather solve bouldering problems than analyze my relationship problems.

After about 2 hours attempting the same bouldering problem I sat down next to a few other climbers that I'd been taking turns with on the wall.  Some I had just met that night but its a community and they are usually friendly and very willing to help, or encourage, or direct and most of all to celebrate when you reign victorious.  It actually reminds me of church community.  But that is not my focus today, just an observation.  

As I called it a day a conversation ensued between myself and what I would call a dedicated climber. I explained that I feel like I really gravitate toward bouldering more than any other climbing.  Bouldering can be done alone, I am not confined by a harness, and I am closer to the ground.  "I have a fear of heights" I say to him.  He, without skipping a beat, tells me "No, you have a fear of not being in control."  Pegged.  He got me.  


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