I was Eve in the garden. I was tempted. I was offered fruit that was unknowingly tarnished. It's true it was beautiful, it appeared to be one of the freshest, and upon ingestion would bring a promise of New Life. Ripeness at its state of perfection. I fought my senseless hands and heart that just wanted to reach out and grab it. They, in their foolish optimism, could only see what could be. But the unveiled side of the fruit would reveal the truth. Mealworms eat away at the rotting bruised bounty. Far from appetizing. Eating it would not bring me closer to what I wanted. It was hidden in a lie that my heart wanted to see as truth. The enemy knows me better than I have ever wanted him to. He is using others for his destructive purposes. He cheers when I fall into temptation.
But I hear God's voice echoed in those who I now trust more than myself in these situations.
I did the hard thing. The desires of my heart were second to what God was calling me to do. And through these moments, I am taught to trust God fully. Trust that my situation is in His hands and no deal I could make would be better than what He was doing.
It's not over, it will most likely become more challenging and even more painful. And through this my response must continue to be:
"But God"
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