How is this word defined in the kingdom of God? It is a confident expectation. It is rooted in faith. Having faith in the facts of God's word. It is produced by endurance through suffering. Something that seems so magical in the worlds eyes is brought out of the muddy messes of our lives. It is a process. An enduring virtue. Through hope, we learn love.
I have failed. I have hoped in my circumstances and in people. It has led to heartache. At times the pain has paralyzed me; because, after all, hoping in sinners will only lead to disappointment. People are unable to live up to the hope you have for them. Being dependent upon others to uphold God's commandments in order to see results in your life, is wrong. Hoping in a spouse, parent, or friend to "do the right thing," is a plan that is destined to leave you bitter and resentful.
Hope in God. He is where we are to place our hope. Having faith that he is honest with his word, having hope in those facts, that they will be true in your life. I have been given a great opportunity to learn how to have this hope. It frees me to look only at Him. To know that no matter what anyone does or says or whatever my circumstances, no matter how bleak my life may appear...he will take care of me, he will love me, he will forgive me, he will never leave me, he has saved me, and one day I will live with him forever.
Hope has not yet matured in me but it is a plant that is growing and with God feeding and revealing through his word I see that plant taking root and flourishing in the goodness of his faithfulness.
And I for one am blessed by your honest and authentic journey.